Name: Jessica Anderson
From: New Jersey
AB Trips she’s been on so far: Mojave Desert, Glacier, Badlands and Blackhills, Grand Canyon/West, Canadian Rockies, Trail of the Ancients, Alaska, Arizona, Oregon, Washington
Favorite Hike or Activity: Hiking to the Lake Agnes Tea House in Banff National Park
Favorite Park(s): Kenai Fjords in Alaska and Bryce Canyon in Utah
Favorite AB Meal(s): Navajo Stew of course! The Moo Shoo Pork wraps have become a close second, the cucumber watermelon salad changed my summertime lunch game for life.
Comments: Reading over my journal from my first Adventure Bus trip to the Mojave, I have to laugh. I was so nervous. I am not athletic, and I had camped twice in my life. I didn’t know how to use my brand new water bladder, I fell on my first hike, didn’t even make it to the summit of the second hike, and couldn’t stomach lunch. I didn’t really remember any of that. If you asked me about that trip I would have told you about the incredible views from Zabreski Point, the colors of Golden Canyon, the funky ring ladder at Hole in the Wall, the glow of a teddy bear cholla in the sun, how the weird branches of Joshua Trees remind me of Kermit the Frog waving his arms with excitement, the laughter around the campfire, how amazing Stephanie is as a guide, and how much I loved camping. I started a travel blog –www.riseupandtravel.com – and love sharing stories about the Adventure Bus with others.