Terry Downey, West Barnstable, Cape Cod, MA
AB Trips you’ve been on so far:
Alaska 8, Alaska 11, Grande Canyon and the Wild West x 2, Best of the West , Fat Tire Dreaming Mountain Biking Adventure, North to Yellowstone, Arizona Desert Explorer, Canadian Rockies x 2, Great Glacier Adventure, Washington Coast to Cascades (I think that is the list ☺ )
Favorite Hike or Activity: Each adventure has its own special flavor. Favorite hike has to be Exit Glacier in AK, talk about standing on top of the world! Favorite activity: I have rafted on every trip that it is offered, all different settings and all amazing, Repelling in Arches was way outside my comfort zone and incredible!
Mountain biking in Moab, Slickrock, and Poison Spider Rim, all a mountain bikers dream. The seaplane flight out to photograph the grizzly bears in AK is another experience I will never forget. When you have been on a lot of trips it is hard to pick one answer.
All of them for different reasons. Top of the list has to be AK, then the red rock parks just because they are so different, Glacier for its extensive hiking opportunities. I love them all though.
Favorite AB Meal: Navajo Stew, Egg sandwiches, Chili (almost everything but fish and pesto)
Comments: My first trip on the Adventure Bus was in 2004, Fat Tire Dreaming mountain biking in Utah, a mountain bikers dream trip. On that trip I was traveling alone and met some amazing people, some of which I am still in contact with today. Over the years I have gone from a solo traveler to bringing a friend along and over the past 3-4 years I have planned my trips along with others I have met on Adventure Bus. There are 11 of us who have traveled together the past 3 summers and we are now planning our trip for 2020. It is amazing the connections I have made over the years. Stephanie, Kyle, and Molly the Bus have become my extended family that I can’t wait to visit with every summer! This year, the gang and I are planning on “North to Yellowstone.”