Name: Annamaria
From: Connecticut/Hungary
AB Trips she’s been on:
2007:North to Yellowstone
2008: Grand Canyon and the Wild West
2010: Great Glacier Adventure and Washington Coast to Cascades
2017: Canadian Rockies
Favorite Hike or Activity:
If I have to pick: my favorite hike is Logan’s Pass at Glacier. It’s just beautiful and the view from the top is breathtaking! I also have to mention the hike to Lake Agnes Teahouse in Banff. Very unique and gorgeous.
My favorite activities: Besides hiking and sleeping under the stars I love conversations around the fire while we snack on s’mores.
Disconnecting, recharging in nature and stargazing are my absolute favorites.
Favorite Park(s): ALL. Honestly. They are ALL beautiful and unique.
Favorite AB Meal(s): Navajo stew, Chocolate chip pancakes and s’mores!
I guess with all these trips you can call me a regular and I am proud being the part of the AdventureBus family. But mostly I am grateful for Stephanie and Kyle for taking me to these beautiful places and introducing me to all the beautiful people whom I now consider friends. Many of the AdventureBus guests are “repeating offenders” like myself and when we run into each other during trips. It just makes it much more sweet.
My first trip was Yellowstone in 2007. I never camped or slept in a tent before. When I arrived I was a little nervous but Stephanie put me at ease with her bubbly nature, big smile and clear communication. I’m telling you: this woman knows the answer to everything! I remember the boys (Jered, Kyle) helping me put up my tent, which I used for about only one night because Kyle convinced me to sleep under the stars..never in my life saw so clearly the Milky Way and counted so many shooting stars! I just keep counting them until I fell asleep.
On my trips I saw countless wildlife,lakes,waterfalls, glaciers and hiked many miles.I tried white water rafting on the Colorado river and kayaked on a Glacier lake. ( It’s a very big deal for me because I can’t really swim). I enjoyed a natural hot-spring under a moon lit sky and got officially mudded at Yellowstone. I had best tasting sandwiches on top of the mountains and best night sleeps in the tent. I walked knee deep in snow in July, had hot chocolate on top of a glacier and had the best tasting Salmon in Alaska. I had a beautiful spiritual experience in Monument Valley and I saw the sunrise over the Grand Canyon…
There is many more memories that I can’t list but hopefully many more to make.
I can’t wait to go to my next Adventure! Thanks again Stephanie and Kyle to make this happen! Im eternally grateful! I hope you guys know what a gift you are and how much difference you make in the world. I can’t wait to see you again on the AdventureBus!