Packing for Your Trip

So, You’ve signed up for an Adventure Bus trip, and your first question is… “What should I bring?” We’ve put together a basic list of essential clothing and gear that is both practical and easily obtainable. We don’t want you to run out and buy lots of new gear just for this tour, but having certain gear will make your experience more comfortable and safer. The most important rule in adventure travel and especially on Adventure Bus is to bring only what you are absolutely certain you will need. Packing too much stuff that you most likely will not need can create more frustration and lessen the enjoyment.


  • One duffle bag or soft sided suitcase, approx. 18”X 30”X 13. See photo.
  • Daypack/backpack and water bottle (Camelbaks® and other hydration backpacks are one of the best inventions everor so we like to think. Also, most backpacks can hold a hydration reservoir aka “bladder”) See photo below.
  • Warm sleeping bag 15-30 degrees***
  • Footware:
    • Hiking boots or sturdy sneakers.
    • Sport sandals (Teva type) to wear into the water on hikes, in hot springs and to the showers.
    • No flip-flops!!!!!
  • Flashlight/Torch (LED headlamps are the most handy)
  • Sun screen, sun glasses, hat, Winter hat (for chilly campfire nights)
  • Towel (consider a pack towel to save room!)
  • Camera and film (you’ll use more film than you think, on average 1 roll per day!
  • Digital cameras can be charged on the bus.)
  • Toiletries***
  • Pillowcase (we have pillows on the bus!)


  • Pack Light! You will be able to do laundry by day 3-4 of your trip.
  • 2 pairs of long pants
  • 3-4 pair shorts ( zip-off pants are convenient)
  • 3 T-shirts/tank tops
  • 1 long sleeve shirt
  • 1 fleece or sweatshirt
  • 1 Light jacket/wind breaker for afternoon rain showers
  • 1 bathing suit
  • 5 pairs of socks and underwear
  • PJs
Throughout the tour, you will have constant access to your luggage, as it remains in the interior of the bus. Larger bags are placed under the benches, with smaller items such as camelbaks and toiletry kits can be placed above.

Things NOT to bring

  • thermarest or inflatable sleeping pad…. we have these on board!
  • Lightweight sleeping bags
  • flip flops
  • boom boxes
  • big tents
  • pillows…we have many on the bus

Guilty pleasures worth indulging

Sketch pads, journals, camera gear, ipods, paperbacks, binoculars, telescopes, instruments. Cell phones and cameras may be charged on the bus, however we ask that you keep cell phone usage to a minimum and view is at an “emergency only device”,  you are on vacation after all!

Other Helpful Hints when packing

Laundry: Laundry is available on most tours usually mid week. Dining Out: We will be dining out 1-3 times a trip, however you do not need to bring anything extra. These will all be casual restaurants. ***Toiletries: Personal preferences of course, but don’t forget medications and ample sunscreen including lip balm. The bus is equipped with basic first aid needs. We recommend trial sizes, they’ll last about a week, and then you’ll have more room in your bag for souvenirs! Remember to pack liquids in your checked luggage, or make them less than 2oz. ***Sleeping Gear: A warm sleeping bag is crucial on all of our tours, as temperatures drop off considerably in high altitude and desert environments. It should have at least a 20 degree rating. We rent appropriate sleeping bags ($30) if you do not want to purchase one, or make space for it in your luggage. And yes, we do wash them between uses! [Insert photo of Mark] Mark’s camelbak is covered with patches he has collected on his travels.The blue tube coming out of the pack allows you to drink water from a bladder without stopping to take a bottle out of your pack. Genius! [Insert photo of Mindy] Mindy has been on many of our tours. Her rolling duffle bag is a great size and easily fits in our luggage space in the bus for easy access throughout the trip.